These groups allow for a maximum of 8 participants in each and are expected to fill quickly! Meetings will take place once a week for 6 weeks.

Group 1 for girls ages 14-16: Wednesdays, 7pm-8:30pm, beginning October 4, 2023 and ending November 8, 2023. Deadline for enrollment is September 20, 2023.

Group 2 for girls ages 11-13: Wednesdays, 7pm-8:30pm, beginning January 3, 2024 and ending February 7, 2024. Deadline for enrollment is December 20, 2023.

Week 1 Topic: Introductions and Expectations
Activity: Ice Breaker Game
Understand group expectations, review of topics/content and getting to know one another.

Week 2 Topic: Self Esteem
Activity: Self Esteem Mirror Creation
Learn all about self esteem, how it is developed, what external and internal factors contribute to self esteem, and the difference between healthy vs. unhealthy self esteem. Learn about activities and coping skills you can utilize anywhere to begin improving your self esteem.

Week 3 Topic: Emotional Regulation and Coping
Activity: Calm Down Kits
Learn about emotional regulation and control over your own emotional state. Learn how to start changing thoughts and behaviors and responding more effectively to emotional experiences and situations.

Week 4 Topic: Life Skills 101: Communication/Advocacy, Setting and Maintaining Boundaries
Activity: Hula Hoop Madness
Learn how to set and maintain healthy boundaries with both peers and adults. Learn new communication skills such as advocating for yourself, learning when and how to confront someone, how to speak confidently, how to give advice, be an active listener, and reflect understanding.

Week 5 Topic: Healthy Relationships
Activity: Bip & Bop Scenario Cards and Associated Activity
Learn about the components of healthy vs. unhealthy relationships. Learn how to identify the characteristics of being in a healthy vs. unhealthy dynamic in partnerships and friendships. Learn about the impact of social media/technology and their contribution to healthy and unhealthy relationships.

Week 6 Topic: Goal Setting
Activity: Vision Boards
Learn how to identify individual goals, find your “why,” set action plans, prepare for obstacles, learn resilience, and stay focused on your desired outcome.

Sarah Leonard, LMSW

A little about Sarah: Sarah has an extensive history working with children, teenagers and young adults in both specialized and traditional education settings. Sarah’s objective is to provide a therapeutic group opportunity that will allow the participants to comfortably explore emotions, process feelings, gain insight, and feel empowered.

Please Note: Anyone interested in participating who is not a current client of the practice will be required to participate in a one hour intake appointment prior to the start of the first group.